Immersive and Elegant...
"Furyborn" by Claire Legrand jumps to a magnificent and fast paced start. The character relations are just beautiful, as is the character development, taking on full speed approach from the beginning. The author immediately grabs the readers attention with the resentful behavior of the little boy towards the queen, while still maintaining the loyalty. The pages following that (once again, develop Rielle's character further by showing her life two years prior to the fateful night at the beginning of the story. The cunning behavior and sharp-mouth, both make me immediately like her, as are you to. Moreover, the writing style of the author is quite immersive in such a way that readers ask for more.
(Additionally... apart from plot and characters, the title and cover of this novel are simply put, beautiful.)
(Additionally... apart from plot and characters, the title and cover of this novel are simply put, beautiful.)