Loved it!
Frizzy is a sweet love letter to all different types of curly hair. Using stunning artwork and a vibrant color palette, the story of a young girl learning to love and take care of her hair unfolds before the reader. Our protagonist, Marlene, deals with bullying, pressure from family members, and her own internalized insecurities as she comes of age. I really appreciated the way this story tackled how pressure and slights can come from within a family, as well how these issues permeate generations. At the same time, the story shows that there are many sources of support - family, friends, and even online influencers - and that people can change their perspectives if given the opportunity to have open and honest conversations. Not only does Marlene learn to embrace her natural hair, but she also talks to her mom about why she always straightens her hair and how they can make changes together to make both of them happy. Frizzy is a great read!