Cute read with a powerful message

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I’m going to start by saying that I’m not the biggest fan of graphic novels- I can probably count on one hand how many I’ve read in my life. But this looked cute and I thought I’d give it a try.

Frizzy takes what could seem like an overwhelmingly broad and important topic and puts it in an easily understandable and relatable story format.

The illustrations were just beautiful, one of the best parts of the book. I loved the vibrant colors and imaginative scenes.

I do think that the story itself could have used a bit more “oomph”. I like stories that have a specific end goal or have the character actively working towards something. This is more about Marlene’s internal journey as she goes through a transformative time in her life. I needed a little more plot to keep the story going, although it still goes by quickly since it’s so short.

Overall, a cute and quick read that sends a powerful message.