Just not for me....

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This book was just not for me. I'm not really too much into fantasy, but thought I would give this a try. This book is full of love triangles and frustrating cliff hangers that I just wouldn't recommend to anyone. I didn't really enjoy it while I was reading it, and wouldn't recommend it to others. If you were a hardcore fantasy lover, this might be for you, however for the casual reader, it did not fit the bill.

This book ended on too much of a cliff hanger for me, especially for a book that I have no intention of reading any sequels. I would have DNFed it, but felt like I had to read since it was a book given to me for review. I definitely felt like it was a bunch of wasted time that I should have been reading something else.

While I give this author props for self-publishing, this book was just not one that I would want to read or recommend to anyone. Kudos for the self-publishing though!