Intriguing Plot

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Reading Found, I was immediately intrigued by the two main characters contrasting lives. The woman, Ophelia, is a psychologist who seems to live an average everyday life, albeit with a strange gift, a troubled childhood and a poor maternal relationship. The man, Elias, on the other hand, appears to always be on the run, fighting in an unknown war for the continuation of an unknown race. The world they live in is contemporary America, a fact which makes this war and unknown race even more intriguing.

While the woman is an empath who experiences other people's emotions, she does not understand her gift, how to control it or where it comes from. It becomes clear that she knows no more than the reader and will be the character who will find the answers the reader also seeks. The man seems to be privy to all sorts of information not available to the general public, or even by many members of the unknown race he seems to be part of. The excerpt is a good read, but, infuriatingly, leaves more questions than answers just as, I suspect, the author intended.