Good read

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So let me start off by saying this book is slow to begin with. It definitely takes a minute to pick up but when it does, it flies. It is a pretty decent, adventurous, intriguing novel. I think Ophelia was a fun character, and I like that her form of magic isn’t necessarily one that we read about too often. The love triangle with Elias and Lucas isn’t really what I wanted for her, as I’m more a fan of the soulmate connection. I also do feel the characters were all a bit one dimensional, but this is a series from my understanding so I’m hoping to see growth and development in the next novel. I would also like to see more action, because the action that was written was excellent, but I feel like there was a lot of filler moments, which was a shame to me because it did distract from the main story. Overall, I can say I enjoyed the book enough to be willing to read the next book in the series with the hopes of improvements.