All About a Love Triangle

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Found opens with an action-filled scene featuring Elias and hinting at all sorts of dark magic. I was hooked. Or thought I was.

Things immediately grind to a halt as we’re introduced to Ophelia and Lucas. Content feels murky and disconnected, with more ambiguity than suspense.

Soon, all three characters and their stories converge, and suddenly the sole focus is an annoying, persistent love triangle. I mean, the entire book is all about this relationship drama. The “...conflict between gods and monsters that has raged for a millennia..” is barely background noise until we’re almost at the end of the book, when we briefly escape the mash of testosterone and the pampered love interest for a little action. Though, even here, the love triangle rears its ugly head to ensure we don’t forget.

Sadly, the promise of the gods and magic is never properly explored, though the hints are fascinating.

Then, we get to the end, and we’re left dangling off a ledge. I’m talking not one but multiple cliffhangers! We have absolutely NO resolution about anything at all, not even the nauseating love triangle.

I almost gave up not even halfway into this one. But I found the audio on Scribd, and the narrator is phenomenal. Her ability to flawlessly transition through the multiple accents and personalities was, I’m sorry to say, far more entertaining than the story itself.

Of course, all this complaining is just my opinion. If you enjoy love triangles with a vague promise of more to come, you might love this book.