She Did it AGAIN

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Honestly am I surprised? No. Am I happy? Hell yes!
Katie McGarry has been one of my all time favorite YA authors since I discovered her at the ripe young age of 16 (now age 26) and she will always be my queen as long as she continues to write smashing YA hits!
I laughed and cried with these characters as well as questioned them and at times wanted to throttle them! I just wanted to take them by the shoulders at one point and shake them like, "What are you doing!!" But that's all part of the "teenage' angst--something I'm learning that I don't relate to much anymore but still can enjoy from time to time.
I like the "American gothic" theme these books have. The southern folklore-y feeling is super fun and honestly done fairly well--these books are nothing like their predecessor but they are done quiet well--hats off to you, Katie girl!
Can't wait to see what you do next. Love you Queen!