Great Tool for Someone Thinking of Starting a Business!
Business Minded is a great tool for anyone who is looking to start a business but might be ambivalent to take that first step. It can be used to explore reasons why you're holding back in taking that step; troubleshoot problems that may arise; and to set out plans. What I really like about this book is that it doesn't read like a self-help/guide book that can be very dry or feel like there's only one way to do something. This is a workbook that is a useful tool and allows you to work things out on your own. You can write in it or better yet; photocopy for your personal use if you think you might want to go over it more than once. The additional snippets and guides inside are helpful insights that I found to be resourceful in pointing me in a direction I didn't consider to begin with. The layout of the book is user friendly and very simple so readers aren't overwhelmed with information or tools. And I adore the simplicity of the cover. There are typos that I found easy to overlook but I can see readers getting distracted by them. All-in-all; if you're exploring the idea of being an entrepreneur, this is a simple business book to help you take that first step. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone already in business or anyone who has already had experience starting up a business - definitely geared towards someone with no experience and just considering a new venture.