Intriguing & gruesome

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This book is fabulous! The flow, pacing, and ease of reading combined with serial killer intrigue, well thought out characters immersed in a unique & magical setting makes B & M a book you’ll definitely want to check out!

I recommend anyone who loves serial killer stuff, magic, investigations & not want the world to end once the book is finished I suggest picking B & M up because this book is just #1.

If you pick up this book alone due to the pretty cover you’ll find that the story is just as awesome as the cover. And even though the main character is a younger girl & the book young adult the content within the book is not entirely soft it touches on some gruesomeness & difficulties making it a great young adult story, but one that is not too soft that those who are not exactly young adults cannot enjoy.
Don’t miss this book! And if you buy it it will make a gorgeous display book once finished.