Dark and captivating

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I was hooked in the first chapter of this story, and it just grew from there. The author built a huge world within this world of the story about a group of people who can harness the magic of the moon’s glow.

Unbeknownst to her, Catrin is one of those people. While knowing she can see well at night and is incredibly nimble when climbing the scaffolding she needs to inspect, it isn’t one fateful night that her blood hears the call of the moon and her magic awakens. Unfortunately, she discovers this by hearing someone blocks away dying! Rushing to the scene, she is soon tangled up in a mysterious and gruesome murder, helping Simon look for the killer.

This book was darker than I expected, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable! Catrin’s story was so well written, with some twists I was not expecting (and a few I was). I would suggest this book to anyone who liked Erin Beaty’s other works, as well as anyone wanting to read a somewhat historical-feeling whodunnit!