#BookReview: Blood and Moonlight by Erin Beaty

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I was so excited for this book for this book and then winning a copy, I was over the moon. But once I really started reading this one sadly that is where the enjoyment ending. I found that this book was super slow and very confusing. There was ton of info dumping that felt very out of place and I really just didn't care about the character. I did end up going back and trying it again three times but sadly I just think it was not meant to be for me. The characters felt very flat and I just really ended up not caring about anyone in this world. I wished that I would have called head over heels for it. But it just felt like a mess. I loved her other series so this one I was hoping I was going to love it as well but it just did not happen. I think those who pick this one up will be one of two things. You will either love this throughout the entire thing or you will end up DNFing it early on.