Will unreliable narrator prove her innocence?

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After being struck by lightning, Eva is unable to remember how her mother, Kat, died just minutes before. Could Eva have killed her? Will she be able to remember what happened before she's arrested?

"If nobody believes you, if the police don't believe you, how can you trust yourself?"

I loved this author's debut, The Night Olivia Fell (5 stars), so very much and was so looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, the unreliable narrator paired with the lack of emotion really let me down, and I'm so bummed. There were a lot of twists (some I guessed and some I did not) but overall, it was all too much of a stretch for me with way too many coincidences. Lastly, the premise reminded me so much of The Breakdown (4 stars) by B.A. Paris (can you say book hangover?!?), and I'm sad to say that Ms. Paris pulled off the unreliable narrator so much better. With that being said, I love this author's writing style and will definitely read whatever she writes next.

Location: Seattle, WA (Whidbey Island) and England

I received an advance copy of this book from BookishFirst. All opinions are my own.