Bet the rest of the book is great

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It's always interesting to read books but most are all the same, boring beginnings. This is not the fact with this book. The beginning is already hook worthy like when teachers have to grade papers they grade on how good of a hook the student writes. It's oddly fascinating to read suspenseful hooks, it is very confusing but leaves the reader to want more. Based off my opinion I hope the book is as good as it's beginning. I'm not gonna lie and say it's they best book or it's amazing, I haven't read the rest and based on the hook I wonder if the rest of the book is as interesting. I would enjoy to read the rest just to test my curiosity. The only reason I haven't rated it a five is because It's not the whole story and you can't judge a book by it's hook just like a person shouldn't judge a novel by the cover.