Good story

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This book is advertised as a gripping gender-flipped reimagining of The Outsiders…. Umm, yes please!! But also I do feel like that’s a bit misleading. I vividly remember reading The Outsiders in high school and then we watched the movie together in class and I absolutely feel in love with The Outsiders so that story definitely holds a special place in my heart and maybe I just had my hopes up way too high for this book. Now don’t get me wrong, this is a good story and I still enjoyed reading this. I loved getting the girl side of this and seeing it from a females perspective. I loved the whole “they wear bold makeup, laugh too loud, and run around with boys” aspect. This cover is also beautiful. Very eye catching. You have to keep in mind this is a YA book and geared for a younger crowd but it’s still a fun read. I haven’t read anything else by Jennifer Mathieu yet but I’m sure I’ll pick up her other books in the future.