Drama Drama Drama

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3.5 Stars
Drama Drama Drama! I won a copy of Bad Girls Never Say Die from Bookishfirst in exchange for a honest review! I definitely feel the original vibes of the Outsiders. This was a interesting feminist take on The Outsiders. It is a tragic story about lost love, friendship, found family, rivals and drama!

The new take on an old classic was a good book that kept just enough integrity of the original while creating a new story.

Evie, Connie, Sunny, and Juanita don’t live in a posh neighborhood and don’t attend the best high school. Instead, they are relegated to a less than stellar high school who provided more of a babysitting service rather than an education.

On a fateful night out on the town, Evie is assaulted by one of the better neighborhood and well-to-do boys, Preston. As Evie struggles to fend off her assailant, she ultimately succumbs to the assault and blacks out. Evie then wakes up only to discover that Preston is dead — stabbed to death by one of the rich girls, Diane.
Took me to the 60's!