Money, Drugs, and Powerful People at USC

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The bright golden cover of the book Bad City by Paul Pringle is a visual hint that all is not golden in Los Angeles, USC, and Pasadena, rife with corruption and hidden scandals. We all know that power and money can corrupt even a saint, but this book releases details of a scandal that would shock the most hardened criminal. How much more corruption can USC survive, although it seems that no attempt to exterminate the bad seems to work? Money breeds greed and bad behavior, and the city is teeming with corruption. Dead girls, overdoses, college Deans turned drug dealers, and underage or young girls found unresponsive in hotel rooms involving the most lauded and heralded USC doctors should have been a front-page story. But maybe there was just so much muck at the base of USC that nothing seemed outrageous enough. It takes a dogged lower-level hotel employee and a dirt-digging and determined reporter to attempt to bring someone in a position of power to justice. Will it be easy? I doubt it. But this story makes investigative stories pale in comparison. How does this happen? How is human life so devalued that a prestigious college institution would risk its reputation to protect evil-doers? It boggles the mind.