Great Read

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Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the protagonist Yolanda. The author opened up by telling us her backstory and information on how she got to be where she was. I thought this was intriguing and a good guide while following Yolanda's decisions for the entirety of the book. I liked the social justice standpoints and thought that it was interesting to see how a group like that was directed especially with the political climate these days. I also thought that the romance was a nice touch. I did not feel as though it was overdone nor did it retract from some of the bigger points in the story. I thought it was a nice touch and a good way to present Yolanda's more emotional side.
The only thing that I did not love about this book was that it felt like the book dropped off for a little bit towards the end. Although the book did pick up again towards the end, it made a portion of the book difficult to get through.