A fun read

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I really enjoyed reading Aya de Leon's A Spy in the Struggle. I thought the premise of the book was very interesting and was immediately captivated by Yolanda, a former white collar lawyer working for the FBI in the hopes of finding a job that better aligned with her morals. Yet as Yolanda quickly realizes, working for the FBI comes with its own ethical dilemmas and isn't always as clear cut as one might imagine. While I enjoyed reading this book and found the storyline clear, there was a brief mention of COVID but then no mention of masks or social distancing, so it seemed liked a bizarre thing to include. I also thought that Yolanda's experience as an agent was sometimes a bit unrealistic. I felt that there were often things she did that she likely would not have been able to get away with as an actual FBI agent. However, this was still an enjoyable read, despite being slightly unrealistic, and I would definitely recommend this book to others.