Just another YA

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Less impressed with this one. Really not impressed, to be honest. Here are the notes I took while reading this excerpt:

- Just another YA. Formulaic. Tired.
- Overly flowery writing. Impossible to take seriously.
- Absolutely no suspension of disbelief.
- Oh look, it's yet another chosen female teen who has to save everything.
- And hey, guess what? The magic is Catholic based. While that's definitely different, because of the whole death to witches thing that the Catholics went hard on, historically speaking, the author manages to make magic feel completely humdrum.
- I have no reason to care about any of these characters. If a book could win an award for most easy to be set down and ignored, this one may be in the running.

While I understand that I'm not the target audience, at the same time, that doesn't mean you have to be stale with the story. And this particular set of tropes is so worn out that it's turning grey and full of holes.